Online Flute Lessons

for everyone, anywhere around the world

Let’s flute together across the globe!

  • You might live at a remote place and can’t find a flute teacher?

    You can write me a message, I’d love to hear from you!

  • Everyone has got the right and chance to learn what they like to.

  • Playing the flute feels soo good, it makes us happy!

Who is teaching?

Erika Kawai Flute teacher Querflöte Zürich
Find joy and happiness in making music

Hi, my name is Erika. I’m a professional flute teacher at several music schools and organizations in Zurich.

I love to teach the flute to anybody with any backgrounds and make music together!

For me it is important that I can pass the joy and happiness of making music to my students.


How does it sound like?

It’s important to know how the flute teacher actually plays the flute. This can also play an important role when it comes to motivation for learning or practicing a musical instrument. I personally love it to tell my own story while playing the flute. Why don’t you like to tell your own story?